Our Story
Home Our Story

Thank you for showing up here. This is for all of us…
Everyday you are leaving a heart print with everyone you meet.
At 5 I knew I could feel and pick up on people's emotions
By 14 I knew I could instinctually/intuitively know/sense/see what would happen in the near future
By 17 I began to lose faith in myself and was hell-bent on taking a fast walk on the wild & dark side
At 19 I did Outward Bound which changed my life and I pocketed that experience for my future (thank God!)
By 21 I had given a lot of myself away in an attempt to feel wanted, desired and whole
At 22 I said no to what was becoming a downward addiction
By 25 I had left a highly abusive relationship
At 25 I began to go on a journey. A journey of self-awareness. A journey that I am still on and will be walking forever.
At 40 I really got it. And knew how to embody all of my parts.
At 45 I began working with Gary Vaynerchuk and took on the role of Chief Heart Officer
At 49 I became a mother and started learning all over again!!
And at 53....It's an endless journey!
It's a marathon of spirit, glimmers, learning, joys, perseverance and being present.
Wherever you are, it's OK. Dig in when you can. Use your voice. Swim to the surface when you need to.
Remember to find someone to laugh with when the going gets tough.And when you get it.. reach out your hand and help someone else up!
Vitality, lit up empowered, fully engaged, meaningful, deep connection, community, creative expression, flow, impact making a difference, reciprocity, seen heard, understood. Get into the driver seat friends!

What is Emotional Optimism
“Emotional intelligence” is the ability to identify and manage your feelings, as well as the feelings of others, is a hot term in business right now, however, my 25 years in the business of people have taught me that the most powerful component of Emotional Intelligence is Emotional Bravery.
Emotional Bravery is the willingness to acknowledge and work with feelings, even when they make things messy and more complicated. Emotional Bravery is how you show the outside world the inner work that you have done inside. How you put your own skin in the game. How you take emotional awareness, and emotional agility, and funnel them into courageous action..
Maya Angelou’s salvo that “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel,” is a personal North Star for me. I’d add to it that people will selflessly give you their hearts when you acknowledge, nurture, and inspire theirs in return.
How we show up is everything.